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Cultural Policy And Management Yearbook 2014-2015
200,00 TL
152,00 TL

Cultural Policy And Management Yearbook 2014-2015

Cultural Policy And Management Yearbook 2014-2015

200,00 TL
152,00 TL
Kazancınız:48,00 TL
1,52 TL
200,00 TL
152,00 TL
Kazancınız: 48,00 TL
1,52 TL


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Kitap Açıklaması

Cultural Policy and Cultural Politics in the Twenty-First Century - Kevin RobinsState • Transforming Cultural institutions: Searching for Viable Models - Nina Obuljen Kor˘zinek • UK Arts and Culture Policy in 2015 - Christopher Gordon • Negotiating the Governmentality of Film in the UK - Richard Paterson • Kazakhstan's Way 2050 - Terry Sandell - A Centralised Decentralisation: Turkish Cultural Heritage Sector - Daniel David Shoup Sara Bonini Baraldi Luca Zan • Transformation of Cultural Policy in Turkey? - Asu Aksoy Burcu Yasemin Şeyben • State Support in Cinema and Censorship - Pelin BaşaranCivil Society • 'Commons' Politics and its Political Potential after the Gezi Resistance - Zeyno Pekünlü • Gezi Park Protests in the Light of Pluralism - Cengiz Aktar • The Failure of a Project: Gezi Park and More - Vasıf Kortun • The Gezi of the Fans: ACAB Anti-X and Politicisation - Tanıl Bora • #occupylove - Rasim Erdem Avşar • Protesting into the Void: Bulgarian Citizens Discover Impunity - Ivaylo DitchevOPEN SPACECrossing Borders: Cultural Policy Research and the Politics of Development - Jonathan Vickery • Management of Public Funds to Artists and Cultural Organisations - Charles Vallerand Azadeh Lessard • Shopping Malls as Cultural Spaces - Özlem Canyürek • A Letter from Syria - Liwaa YazjiOBITUARYÖzgür Uçkan as an Intellectual - Serhan Ada • In Memory of Dr. Özgür Uçkan - Erkan SakaREVIEWSThe 'Design Strategy Document and Action Plan' - Gökçe Dervişoğlu Okandan • To Each His Own Cinema - Ares Shporta • Syriza's Cultural Policy - Theodora Tsitoura • Museums Technology and Democracy - Çiğdem Artan • Inventory of Intangible Cultural Heritage in Biosphere Reserves - Lluís Garcia Petit • The 18th IFOAM World Organic Congress - Buğday Association • 'They' - Nihan DalbelerRadikal Kitap Toplumsal Tarih Agos

Kitap Özellikleri
Basım Yılı2016
Cilt DurumuKarton Kapak
Ebat19 x 24
Kağıt Türü1. Hm. Kağıt
Sayfa Sayısı210
favorilerime ekle
Kitap Açıklaması

Cultural Policy and Cultural Politics in the Twenty-First Century - Kevin RobinsState • Transforming Cultural institutions: Searching for Viable Models - Nina Obuljen Kor˘zinek • UK Arts and Culture Policy in 2015 - Christopher Gordon • Negotiating the Governmentality of Film in the UK - Richard Paterson • Kazakhstan's Way 2050 - Terry Sandell - A Centralised Decentralisation: Turkish Cultural Heritage Sector - Daniel David Shoup Sara Bonini Baraldi Luca Zan • Transformation of Cultural Policy in Turkey? - Asu Aksoy Burcu Yasemin Şeyben • State Support in Cinema and Censorship - Pelin BaşaranCivil Society • 'Commons' Politics and its Political Potential after the Gezi Resistance - Zeyno Pekünlü • Gezi Park Protests in the Light of Pluralism - Cengiz Aktar • The Failure of a Project: Gezi Park and More - Vasıf Kortun • The Gezi of the Fans: ACAB Anti-X and Politicisation - Tanıl Bora • #occupylove - Rasim Erdem Avşar • Protesting into the Void: Bulgarian Citizens Discover Impunity - Ivaylo DitchevOPEN SPACECrossing Borders: Cultural Policy Research and the Politics of Development - Jonathan Vickery • Management of Public Funds to Artists and Cultural Organisations - Charles Vallerand Azadeh Lessard • Shopping Malls as Cultural Spaces - Özlem Canyürek • A Letter from Syria - Liwaa YazjiOBITUARYÖzgür Uçkan as an Intellectual - Serhan Ada • In Memory of Dr. Özgür Uçkan - Erkan SakaREVIEWSThe 'Design Strategy Document and Action Plan' - Gökçe Dervişoğlu Okandan • To Each His Own Cinema - Ares Shporta • Syriza's Cultural Policy - Theodora Tsitoura • Museums Technology and Democracy - Çiğdem Artan • Inventory of Intangible Cultural Heritage in Biosphere Reserves - Lluís Garcia Petit • The 18th IFOAM World Organic Congress - Buğday Association • 'They' - Nihan DalbelerRadikal Kitap Toplumsal Tarih Agos

Kitap Özellikleri
Basım Yılı2016
Cilt DurumuKarton Kapak
Ebat19 x 24
Kağıt Türü1. Hm. Kağıt
Sayfa Sayısı210
Çok Satanlarda Kampanya
Kitabu Afatil Lisan Dilin Afetleri Dil Belası
160,00 TL
80,00 TL
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200,00 TL
100,00 TL
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Zamanın Kıymeti (Pratik Baskı)
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126,00 TL
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Gerçek Tıp
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224,00 TL
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Algı Yönetimi ve Manipülasyon
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Benzer Ürünler
Ortadoğu Yıllığı 2016
60,00 TL
41,40 TL
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Ortadoğu Yıllığı 2014
600,00 TL
396,00 TL
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Ortadoğu Yıllığı 2013
600,00 TL
396,00 TL
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Ekranella 2014 Televizyon Yıllığı
175,00 TL
129,50 TL
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Ortadoğu Yıllığı 2012
600,00 TL
396,00 TL
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Büyük Türk Klasikleri / 10. Cilt
300,00 TL
225,00 TL
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